Yoga for weight loss - tips for beginners

There are many different weight loss methods, each with its own characteristics. This article will discuss classical yoga in detail, its advantages, effects, rules and more.

How it works

Yoga affects weight loss in this way:

  • It improves the functioning of the entire body, increasing one's chances of stabilizing a normal weight.
  • Removes the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
  • It speeds up metabolism, so food doesn't stay in the intestines and fat doesn't get as much of a chance to be deposited. As a result, waste and toxins are eliminated.
  • It makes all the muscles of the body work, tightens and tones them, so the fat goes away.
  • Due to physical activity, the calories that come with food are burned quickly, so a person simply does not gain extra pounds.

Advantages of yoga and its advantages over other sports:

  1. This exercise method helps to reduce stress and nervous conditions, as it practices proper breathing and general relaxation of the body.
  2. It perfectly tones the muscles of the body, contributes to their normal formation and functioning without unnecessary overload.
  3. Better than all sports improves the flexibility of the joints and the whole body.
  4. Increase endurance and improve overall health.
  5. Increases blood flow to the head, which promotes brain function.
  6. In the classes, people can meditate and gain inner balance, which is simply needed after a tiring day at work.
weight loss yoga class

Tips for beginners

  1. If you are just starting to practice yoga, then you should do simple exercises, because it will be harmful to the body immediately so that the body is not ready to take on the burden. Ideally, you should do warm-up exercises for muscles and joints.
  2. The first training session should not last more than fifteen minutes, so that the body has time to work, but at the same time not be overloaded.
  3. Proper breathing is already half the success, so you need to give it enough time.
  4. During menstruation and the first days after menstruation, classes should be as light as possible and have a calming and relaxing effect.
  5. When exercising, it is better for pregnant women to limit sitting in positions that are not harmful to the fetus.
  6. To benefit from these lessons, you should practice yoga regularly (two to five times a week).
  7. Before the lessons, it is necessary to prepare sportswear and a special mat.
  8. Drafting should be avoided in the room where the sessions will take place.
  9. To make your muscles flexible, like real yogis, you need to do stretching exercises regularly.
  10. It is advisable to give up bad habits and eat healthy so as not to affect the beneficial effects of yoga on your body.
  11. Before class, you should not eat too full, otherwise you may have an upset stomach. It is best not to eat at all three hours before exercising.
  12. The total duration of the class should be between one and two hours. With longer lessons, the body is subjected to too much stress.
  13. If you have muscle pain during training, you should skip the difficult exercises and move on to easier exercises for a while.

Exercises to lose weight

yoga exercises to lose weight

It is better to start practicing yoga at home with the following exercises:

  1. "Tolasana" (sitting pose). Such an exercise is great for developing hand muscles after a long period of stagnation and also contributes to a better understanding of the body, teaching you to control it. This will help with other poses.
    • Sit on the mat.
    • Bend your knees and cross them.
    • Support hands, keep body balance, higher than the mat if possible.
    • Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
    • Return to starting position.
  2. Parivrtta trikonasana or triangle (standing). This exercise helps relieve back pain, strengthens thigh muscles and contributes to weight loss in one's lower abdomen, sides and waist. In addition, it helps to create the correct breathing rhythm (only when performing the pose slowly).
    • Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart.
    • Raise your arms and spread them out to the sides.
    • Turn the toes of the left foot outward and lean there, reaching the fingers of the right hand.
    • Pause in this position for thirty seconds, then replace the arm and leg with the opposite one, doing the same.
    • At the same time, you need to take care of your body. It must be moved manually.
  3. Asan (pose) in the sitting position "Gomukhasana". This pose improves blood flow to the legs and arms, which is useful for more complex weight loss exercises in the future. In addition, it also helps to focus and concentrate when practicing yoga.
    • Sit on the mat and bend your knees.
    • Extend your right leg below your left knee and straighten your back.
    • Place your left foot on your right.
    • Cross your arms behind your back.
    • Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch legs and straighten your arms.

Required exercises include:

  1. Lying position - "Dhanurasana" or bowing.Technology:
    • Lie on your stomach and bend your knees, lifting.
    • Bring your hands behind your back and around the outside of your ankles.
    • Inhale and slowly arch up, lifting your pelvis slightly off the floor.
    • Tilt your head back.
    • On an exhale, return to the starting position.
  2. "Bhujangasana or cobra":
    • Lie on your stomach, put your feet together and extend your fingers.
    • Place your hands under your shoulders.
    • Holding hands, inhale while reaching up so that your feet are still on the mat.
    • Bend and stretch your neck back as much as possible.
    • Come out and slowly lie down on the mat.
  3. Standing Pose - "Half Moon or Ardhachandrasana":
    • Go straight.
    • Imagine a straight line around you and with your legs straight, draw a semicircle with your feet so that your legs don't bend at the knees.
    • In this case, the body should also move with the legs, and the arms should drop below.
yoga poses for weight loss

Finish your workout with the following exercises:

  1. "Urdhva Prasarita".This pose is very effective for weight loss because it works the lower part of the body, especially the thighs and abdomen, from which fat accumulates.
    • Lie down.
    • Bring your legs together.
    • Bend your arms and squeeze them against your body so your palms are under the bones of your pelvis.
    • Strengthen and elevate the body and legs, focusing only on the arms.
    • In this case, you should also stretch your neck and keep your head up.
  2. "Virkshasana or tree":
    • Stand up and put both feet together.
    • Lift one leg and bend at the knee.
    • Rotate it so that the foot is on the inside of the right thigh.
    • Place it on your legs and extend as much as you can to get the thigh and pelvic muscles working properly.
    • When you feel that you can stand up straight, raise your arms and linger for a minute.
    • Then you can rest again.

It works the muscles of the legs, strengthens and contributes to slimming the thighs. Additionally, this pose improves one's overall balance and concentration.

Reviews of people who have lost weight

To understand the effect that can be achieved when practicing yoga, consider the reviews of people who have practiced yoga:

  1. Man, 28 years old. "I've been interested in this way of exercising for a long time, finally decided to give it a try, in addition to having a need to lose weight. At first it was very unusual and even painful, because I had never exercised before, but after a week of training the pain in the muscles disappeared and everything became more enjoyable. I enjoyed working out three times a week for five months. During this time, I lost 11 pounds. At the same time. , I don't really follow a diet and don't actually refuse anything. Now I do it just as a hobby, because I love this business. "
  2. Female, 35 years old. "On the advice of a friend, I started doing these yoga classes to get rid of my hips and milia. I practice video tutorials at home twice a week. During the first lessons, I feltwooden, as neither my legs nor my arms really followed, but then I got used to it and even got carried away. As a result, in eight months of work, I had a completely new body. , slim and beautiful. Lose 12 pounds of fat. Also, I started to feel stronger and healthier. Now I recommend people such a safe weight loss method.
  3. Girl, 21 years old. "This gymnastics has really been a lifesaver for me. I work in a sedentary job and as a result, I am overweight and have major spine problems. No diets and fasting. nothing worked for me, so I decided to give this method a try. I worked out alone, without a coach. Of course, the results weren't immediate, and I had to sweat, but aftertwo months, I feel better. My shape is at a certain shape, and the tension in my spine has decreased. I continued to exercise and in another six months I lost eight kilograms, which I am very pleased with.
  4. Female, 29 years old. "I've been struggling with my kilos for over a year, but I still can't achieve what I want. When I heard about such a trendy yoga practice, I couldn't resist and also started classes. To be honest, I expected better. To my knowledge it should have been a more intense workout, but it was just warming up and stretching the muscles and didn't want me to bend properly. direction at all. As a result, I dropped out of lessons after the first two weeks, because I didn't see results. I didn't fit. "

As a result, according to the reviews, we can say that in most cases this method of weight loss helps people and them to lose weight. Yoga lessons must be practiced regularly for the effect to be truly noticeable.

Doctor's opinion

Doctors say this exercise will bring about good results if it is practiced properly and has no contraindications. They justify this by the fact that during such classes a person is not subjected to heavy loads, but only performs exercises that help to improve muscles and bring in order the general condition of the body. .

Contraindications to practicing yoga for weight loss

Prohibitions include the presence of health problems such as:

  1. Hernias on the abdomen and on the back.
  2. The first six months after a stroke.
  3. The last months of pregnancy.
  4. Heart and kidney diseases.
  5. Exacerbation of ulcers, cholecystitis.
  6. Hypertension.
  7. Mental illness (although depression can be treated).
  8. Fast heart beat.
  9. Arthritis and its exacerbations.
  10. After severe traumatic brain injury.
  11. After the operation no earlier than six months.
  12. Cold.
  13. When the vertebrae are displaced.

Tips Blitz

  1. Always do a light warm-up before starting class.
  2. After each pose, you need to pause and recover your breathing.
  3. Half an hour after class, you should drink a glass of water to bring the water balance back to normal.